In Thoughts


“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves.” Carl Jung

Hey peeps, how you all doing? So sorry for the not-so-often post on this blog. Been very busy with work lately, while searching for another job to put food on the table #dramatic *cue Les Mis song*

So, in this post I'm gonna talk about Label. But not on a piece of shirt, or bag, but on ourselves. The stigma that people put on us based on their so-called judgement over us. 

By the time we reach our adolescence- we’ve learned plenty about ourselves, most of which is based on the feedback, labels and judgements of other people. This goes on for so long that by the time we get out of college we almost have no sense of who we really are. 

I see many people put labels on each other without knowing the real damage a label can have on someone. I started to think maybe I should look more into why people actually give labels and what are the real damages of putting others in labels and categories

Naturally, when we meet someone, our first hand experience is very limited, and this causes an uncertainty and ambiguity that feels uncomfortable. Labels are shortcuts we use when we don't have enough time to learn more about a particular individual, yet we need to reduce this ambiguity and uncertainty to a tolerable level.

It is said the problem with labels is that they are merely shells that contain assumptions. When we are taken in by a label, we are taken in by opinions and beliefs. For instance, we lied once- just once, then for the rest of our lives, we'll be judged as a liar- or when we failed to complete a required tasks that our boss gave us, we'll be labeled as someone who's incompetent to be given a task, then it leads to trust issue, and so on and so forth.

Labels can amplify the best and worst things about people in ways we don’t even realize.  But the real person, the one capable of absolutely anything is the one underneath the labels that we’ve given them. Are you labeling people in your life: your friends, your parents, or your co-workers? Would changing the labels you’ve given them change your experience of dealing with them?

The question now is, "Should we put label on others?"

That is not a rhetorical question

Answer would be, maybe yes- maybe no. Depends on yourself. Whether you want to be labeled back by people who you have labeled or not, it's your call- though for this point, we can't control what people say about us, and we need more attitude like IDAGF for what people may say about us. I, myself, am trying not to label other people for what they are. Because I know (and experience it first hand), label isn't always true. It's ironic how people perceive others just by their first impression on others. What makes us so superior, than others who we think are far more inferior than us?

Other people aren’t perfect. None of us are. People will make mistakes sometimes. At other times, they’ll do things we simply don’t agree with, and it will be tempting to make them wrong so that we can feel good about being right or better about being hurt. We are so easy to judge while we forgot that no one is a hundred percent evil, or on the other hand, saint

We’re just the combination of the all the labels that people have given us. Chances are that you have been labeled any one of those things listed on the picture above and even spent your life trying to live up the good ones and trying to overcome the bad ones. In this exhausting way of living life you lose sight of the fact "you’re amazing just the way you are"

Remember. "Label sticks, but soon or later, it will lose its stickiness eventually"

Till Next Post


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